
Does This Animal Live In A Freshwater Or Saltwater / Brackish System? Mississippi Mud Turtle

Striped Mud Turtle Care Guide

Striped mud turtles likewise known as the Iii Striped mud turtle are small aquatice turtles that abound up to have a carapace length of effectually 5 inches.

These cute niggling aquatic turtles stay effectually under five inches and will brand an interesting addition to any corner of your home with their unique look. They are also quite beginner-friendly and then this is a skilful selection if you are looking for something unique to fill your dwelling house's tank with.

If you lot are curious every bit to how you should care for one or just want to learn a picayune more than about these guys, you've come up to the right identify!

Here are some fascinating facts about Striped Mud Turtles besides as care information for outset-time keepers:

Striped Mud Turtle Quick Reference Section

  • Experience Level:Beginner
  • Scientific Proper noun: Kinosternon baurii
  • Alternate Name(due south):3-Striped Mud Turtle, 3 Striped Mud Turtle
  • Family:Kinosternidae
  • Size:4 to5 inches
  • Weight: eleven to 12 ounces
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Lifespan:50years

Facts About Striped Mud Turtles

Striped mud turtle (Kinosternon baurii)
Striped mud turtle (Kinosternon baurii)
  • Like its other Kinosternidae family members, information technology's extremely modest in size.
  • They love to walk on the bottom of waterbeds.
  • They are really tiny as hatchlings, measuring merely most an inch in diameter, and volition only abound up to 5 inches in size as adults.
  • Striped Mud Turtles and other Mud Turtles take been at the center of a fence near if they should be merged into a single genus. John Iverson's written report on shells and skins of Musk and Mud Turtles shows the difference betwixt them.

Striped Mud Turtle Appearance

These turtles can be distinguished by the 3 light tan or cream-colored stripes running along the length of their shells and sometimes on their heads.

Their carapace, or upper shell, is usually domed and nighttime brown with a rust-colored plastron, or their lower shell.

In most cases, males will have a thicker, longer tail than their female person counterparts.

Striped Mud Turtle Location and Natural Habitat

Striped mud turtle (Kinosternon_baurii) in the wild
Striped mud turtle (Kinosternon_baurii) in the wilde

Like to the Common Musk Turtle, Striped Mud Turtles like to dwell in soft-bottomed soils and shallow waters that have wearisome currents as well as plenty of aquatic plants.

The species of turtle is native to the southeastern United States and can be constitute in Florida including in the lower Florida Keys, Georgia, Northward and South Carolina, equally well as Virginia, which all have a continental climate.

These turtles tend to stay underwater most of the time and volition hardly e'er be seen basking. When they are on land, they volition usually dig burrows and search for food in cow waste material and dung.

Interestingly enough, some Striped Mud Turtles may even spend up to a month underwater without coming upwards to the surface. In the summertime, they may stay completely submerged in shallow lakes that are beginning to dry out.

While Striped Mud turtles come from diverse geographies and have varying habits, they accept all been establish to prefer ho-hum-moving or still bodies of water.

They can be institute in both brackish waters, freshwater, and saltwater. They prefer to brand homes out of marshes, mud or sand beds, and wet fields in waters that have a salinity under 15 parts per k. They like cypress swamps and moisture meadows as well.

Striped Mud Turtle Diet

Striped Mud Turtles are omnivorous and will enjoy a high-protein nutrition consuming aquatic animals and insects such equally carrion, snails, earthworms, crustaceans, and fish.

Some found-based foods they swallow include algae, palm seeds, and various aquatic plants.

Striped Mud Turtle Lifespan

Like near other turtle species 3 striped muds liva long fourth dimension and have been known to live up to almost 50 years in captivity and near upwardly to 40 years in the wild.

Wild 3-striped Mud turtles will unremarkably mature inside the span of 5 to 6 years. However, turtles in captivity have been seen to mature a footling sooner than those in the wild.

Striped Mud Turtle Breeding Habits

Female striped mud turtle on white background
Adult female person striped mud turtle on white groundwork

Female person Three-striped Turtles accept an boilerplate clutch size of up to 7 eggs.

They can store the sperm that is deposited during copulation for upward to a year or more only egg deposits will ordinarily occur every vii to 8 weeks.

The incubation menstruation ordinarily carries for 2 and a half to 5 months. The temperatures maintained during the incubation period will determine the sex of these hatchlings, as information technology is with other turtles and reptiles.

It may take around 96 days for the eggs to hatch and the hatchlings to break themselves out to start living their lives out in the world.

Predators of the Striped Mud Turtle

Predators of the Striped Mud Turtle include herons and alligators. While alligators will eat both adult Striped Mud Turtles and their hatchlings or eggs, other threats of egg snatchers include raccoons, opossums, crows, snakes, bloke, and even blueish venereal.

These egg predation threats have also been heavily rising due to an increment in predator population caused past pollution and humans.

Luckily, these turtles have their very ain defense mechanism to deter these predators from getting into their nest site or eating them. They tin excrete a foul odor through their anal glands, releasing a scent stiff enough to ward off their enemies.

It is important to note that most Mud Turtles in captivity will not utilize this evil-smelling defense mechanism since they will not commonly have the need for it.

Striped Mud Turtle Legality

When it comes to turtles, there are simply two states, North Carolina and South Dakota, that ban the ownership, selling, trade, and bartering of all species of turtles.

Check out the Department of Environmental Direction'south website to see the listing of legal species for your specific location, since information technology really is on a state-by-state basis.

In some states, y'all may need a license or let to sell or partake in the reptile trade. Some states may fifty-fifty crave you to have a permit simply to keep them and y'all will always want to proceed paperwork in order to evidence that they are capture born (CB).

Bank check out our article well-nigh the legality of the turtle trade to acquire more than.

Where to Find Striped Mud Turtles for Auction

There are many places online and reputable sites that sell captive-bred turtles.

The reason why yous want convict-bred or commercial turtles is due to the ability to choose your turtle, the fact that your species choices won't be limited to local or native species, you lot're not involving in the depletion of the wild population, and captive-bred turtles will already be acclimated to captivity.

Striped Mud Turtle Intendance


If y'all are looking to create the perfect Striped Mud Turtle tank setup, we have some tips and advice for you.

Since these guys are aquatic and usually grow to around 5 inches or smaller, so you'd think they could alive in a tiny space. However, they actually like having a lot of room to swim around and really thrive, which is why we recommend you lot get at least x gallons of space per inch of the turtle.

You should give your turtle a minimum of xx-gallons in order for them to live happily in their enclosure with plenty of room to swim and play. They like relatively shallow waters since they aren't the all-time swimmers simply will sometimes seek condolement underwater.

When they are hatchlings, you tin can definitely keep them in smaller tanks, merely a hatchling volition most likely exist happier growing in a large forever home that they can swim around in.

These turtles also similar a medium-sized land area so depending on how y'all are planning to create your basking surface area, maybe cheque out the tanks that have an included sectioned-off expanse for their land area too.

Yet, some owners might non want to expect into fixated tanks since not all turtles will similar the aforementioned things. Some prefer different depths and basking in different types of areas; you might want to wait and come across earlier investing in something that is more than permanent than optional.


Striped Mud Turtle on carpet
Striped Mud Turtle on carpet

Aquatic turtles are messy and will produce a lot of waste matter that will dingy their h2o. If you want to keep your aquatic turtle tank make clean, we accept some advice for making your life a picayune easier for maintaining a tidy tank.

Commencement off, you lot don't desire cleaning your turtle'southward tank to be a chore, so get in easier on yourself past installing a filter to their tank. A canister filter will be more efficient in comparison to the usual aquarium filters since they accept a larger water filtering chapters.

Check our turtle tank filters guide for a complete guide on what to buy with production recommendations.

A powerful water filter is a prudent investment as information technology allows for adequate oxygen levels as well as keeps the h2o clean and clear.

Generally, yous should clean the media of your canister filter at least one time every two months.

In social club to maintain a healthy surround for your aquatic turtle, make sure that yous are removing whatever uneaten food and waste product from the bottom of their tank. At least once a week, you lot should dedicate time to use a long-nozzled, BPA-complimentary siphon to remove whatever debris in their tank.

Leaving these leftovers and waste at the bottom of its tank can cause a fasten in ammonia and harmful leaner which are toxic to your turtle. They can atomic number 82 to illness or other health bug and tin mayhap kill your pet.

Endeavor to vacuum your aquarium substrate with a siphon about iii to 4 times per month.

We too recommend that you get a home water examination kit to bank check for pH, nitrates, and nitrites.

Another matter that can aid maintain your turtle tank is aquatic plants, specially the floating kind. Since floating plants take direct access to CO2, they volition absorb fewer nutrients in the tank.

Aquatic plants will absorb ammonia every bit well as unwanted nitrates. However, some turtles encounter aquatic plants equally a snack rather than a tank-cleaner. Mud turtles volition not brand tiffin out of h2o lettuce, then we recommend trying that.

Likewise plants, y'all tin can also add algae-eating shrimp or fish. Unfortunately, they will somewhen become a snack for your turtle as well.

You lot should likewise be sterilizing your water with a UV water sterilizer in social club to prevent free-floating pathogens, which tin can crusade stinky, murky water. This cannot be done through your turtle's UVB basking low-cal; you must purchase a separate light for this task.

You can use your UV water sterilizer about in one case a calendar week, just make sure to do so after feeding.

Yous should exist performing dechlorinated water changes every other calendar week. You don't desire ammonia or nitrates to be building up in your turtle's habitation, and filtration systems will non exercise the chore, so a quick fix would exist to change their water.

You must dechlorinate your tap water earlier yous put information technology into their tank. Some people might recall that chlorine or chloramine is good for the tank since it kills bacteria, correct?

Well, yes information technology will kill the harmful bacteria, simply it volition also kill the much-needed bacteria that will work on the ammonia and nitrate levels for you. This is why dechlorination is important in your water change.

You can do this by simply adding a h2o conditioner into your tap water and letting it sit for most one-half a day. Then do a thirty percent water change when it's ready.

Exercise this every other week and you're good to go!


Two striped mud turtles in an enclosure
Ii striped mud turtles in an enclosure

For Three-Striped Mud Turtles, yous have the pick of river rocks, sand, gravel, or crushed coral every bit a substrate.

Crushed coral is fine but some owners are concerned about their turtles eating it. Luckily, crushed coral tin be considered a calcium source for them as well.

Many owners likewise worry about these bottom-dwellers eating their sandy substrate or small pebbles, which can cause impaction. Run into our guide on prolapse in turtles for more on that.

A lot of owners get with sand because it offers ameliorate footing for these bottom-crawling turtles and they seem to prefer it. Hatchlings may partially bury themselves in information technology and nigh adult turtles just seem to like to walk on it more than other options.

Earlier you put the sand into the tank, make sure to rinse information technology well starting time and so place a bowl at the bottom of the sanded tank while filling information technology with water to go on it from getting cloudy. You lot tin can also use your siphon to remove debris from the top of your sand at the bottom of your tank.

Y'all will come across a lot of owners also going for the gravel and large rock options as well. Only they may use sand in the land area with a large basking stone embedded in the middle.

Again, it tin can vary depending on your turtle, but you lot volition need to estimate, do your research, and see what might be best for your turtle.

The water levels in their tank should exist anywhere around 25 to xl gallons and the substrate should be around 2 inches deep. One inch should be only fine for their land area if provided.


Y'all want to keep your turtle'due south h2o between 71 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit for adults and around the 80s for hatchlings. You can do this by using an immersion heater and keeping an center on the thermometer.

Proceed their basking area around the high 80 to low 90s in Fahrenheit.

See our guide for aquarium water heaters to learn more on what to choose and what to watch out for.


Three striped mud turtle on white background
Three striped mud turtle on white groundwork

Their basking area should be out of the water in a place where they can be completely dried off under a UVB lamp.

As nosotros only mentioned in the temperature department, yous don't want your turtle'due south environment to get below 70 degrees. This means that you should have both UVB light besides as a oestrus source.

A depression-watt red estrus bulb should practice the trick. In that location are too submersible heaters on the market that tin be great if you have gravel substrate.

You tin either purchase a turtle dock for your turtle to bask, or create your ain basking spot.


You desire to make information technology then that your turtle tin can climb from the bottom of their tank to the pinnacle with minimal swimming, if possible.

Yous should give your turtles multiple depth options by setting up a shallow-water platform, a country area, as well as a basking area. You can utilise acrylic logs, driftwood, various-sized rocks, and tall plants that go from the bottom of the tank to the top of the water, giving them various depths.

You can create their land surface area by putting an over-the-h2o pan with some sand and skillful drainage about 2 inches over their water with a span they can climb upwardly onto from the h2o onto the platform.

Depending on what your turtles seem to prefer, play around with basking areas and run into which ones they experience more than comfy with. As mentioned before, there are tanks that have dedicated land areas available on the marketplace likewise so you tin check those out.

Some turtles will prefer to bask, whereas some might burrow in their substrate. It really tin can vary from turtle to turtle.


In their natural habitat, they are by and large opportunistic omnivores with a strong preference for protein.

In captivity, y'all can give them pesticide-gratuitous small-scale feeder grasshoppers, crickets, earthworms, guppies or small-scale fish hatchlings, feeder fish, bloodworms, krill, snails, and pocket-size shrimp or crayfish.

While they volition eagerly gobble up fresh, protein-based foods live, yous should also occasionally offer your turtle some salubrious greens like Romaine lettuce, water hyacinth, duckweed, and any vegetation-based commercial turtle pellets like these from Zoo Med.

As for their feeding schedule, you volition desire to estimate how they eat their first yr of life. Once they are half-dozen months old, you can switch from pellets and earthworms daily to only feeding them every other twenty-four hours as they mature more.

When they are at least half a year old and you are feeding them every other solar day, watch their habits closely and adjust co-ordinate to their growth and appetite.

Retrieve to provide calcium supplements and Vitamin D3 if they are indoors. Vitamin D3 will be needed if you are non providing UVB lighting.


Owners take reported these turtles to be outgoing and active. While they aren't the best swimmers, they can be seen walking around and interacting with their surroundings, making them entertaining to watch.

They are semi-terrestrial and may not exist able to get along with other tank mates. Housing females together and giving them multiple hiding spots can lessen the likelihood of territorial behavior.

If you lot desire to house your Mud Turtle with other species of turtles, only make sure that they are around the same size as them to make them feel less threatened.


We practise non recommend that you lot endeavour to handle these turtles since they tin can be quite skittish, causing them to snap or try to bite you lot. Y'all should avoid trying to concur them or selection them upward unless it's absolutely necessary.

Striped Mud Turtle FAQ

Striped mud turtle on white background
Striped mud turtle on white groundwork

How large do Striped Mud Turtles get?

This species of turtle usually have an boilerplate carapace of around 4 inches and may grow up to v inches, only that'southward about it. Because they're pocket-size, this is why people find them to be great and cute pets.

Do Striped Mud Turtles bite?

Aye, a Striped Mud Turtle can seize with teeth if they are provoked or feeling threatened.

They are quite skittish creatures in general, so try your best not to put your paw near them unless absolutely necessary.

They have curved beaks for mouths, which tin can requite you quite a nasty bite.

Are Three-striped Mud Turtles friendly?

They are very active and adorable, making them seem friendly, simply they can exist a little grouchy at times.

Some may be comfortable with hand-feeding and might even approach you lot to beg for food, but this does not hateful that they volition not bite your finger if they become the chance.


All in all, the Striped Mud Turtle can be a bully option for those looking for a small aquatic turtle with a spunky personality that is entertaining to watch.

They are a piffling messy, but if you maintain their tank well, they can be a cute and rewarding pet to accept.

Information technology can be very fun to watch them feed every bit they are eager eaters and may fifty-fifty interact with you past begging for food when they see you.

We recommend y'all cheque these guys out if yous're looking for something beginner-friendly with a personality and that is aesthetically pleasing.

Let us know in the comments below what you lot think about these footling turtles!

More than Mud Turtle Intendance Guides

  • Eastern Mud Turtle
  • Florida Mud Turtle
  • Mississippi Mud Turtle
  • Yellowish Mud Turtle


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